Per Domenica 5 Aprile il Team ha deciso di organizzare una
Il giro presenta alcune difficoltà fisiche e tecniche, poichè parte della risalita verrà effettuata a piedi (circa 40'), mentre la discesa è quasi interamente al di fuori di senieri tracciati e presenta diversi passaggi su rocce. La disesa intera dura circa 2/3 ore e si finisce per arrivare ad Almese. Inutile dire che ogni difficolta e fatica viene ampiamente ripagata dalla bellezza del percorso e dai passaggi tecnici che magari riprovandoli più volte si riesce ad affrontare e superare.
Invitiamo chiunque voglia aggregarsi a contattarci per avere poi conferma degli orari e del luogo di ritrovo, che sarà deciso anche in base al numero di persone e dalle provenienze.
Although the weather of recent days is somewhat 'against the possibility of organizing outdoor activities, the estimates should lead to a' good weather for the weekend prorpio and then, as often happens the other way, ie weeks ago in that beautiful and then Friday night comes the bad, which lasts until Monday, you need to organize. For Sunday, April 5, the team decided to organize a day of "True Freeride" Mount Arpon on a track for the members of our team is a must and that is a goal of annual training. The tour has some physical and technical difficulty, as the lifts will be done on foot (40 '), while the descent is almost entirely outside senieri tracks and has several steps on rocks. The entire dises takes about 2 / 3 hours and finally arrive at Almese. Needless to say that every difficulty and effort is amply rewarded by the beauty of the trail and the technical steps that you may retry several times it is possible to confront and overcome. We invite anyone who wants to join then contact us for confirmation of times and the place of meeting, which also will be decided by the number of people and backgrounds.
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